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Healthy Snacks for Kids

It’s that time of year again; hurrying the kids out the door for school! With all the craziness in the morning to get the kids ready, along with the madness that happens after school with activities, feeding them healthy snacks can become lost in the mix.

Here are some healthy snacks that are quick to make, delicious, and most importantly, nutritious! For portion size, remember that moderation is key.

  • Hummus. Use vegetables, pretzels or whole wheat crackers as dippers.
  • Fruit smoothies. In a blender, add your kid’s favorite fruits to low-fat milk or Greek yogurt and ice. Add spinach or kale to sneak in those vegetables!
  • Homemade granola. Mix together nuts like almonds, cashews, or peanuts; dried fruit such as cranberries, pineapple, or banana chips; finish with whole grain cereal.
  • Ants on a log. Take a celery stalk, or slice a banana in half, and spread peanut butter on it. Add the “ants” by topping it with dried cranberries or raisins!
  • Avocado toast. Toast a slice of whole wheat bread. Then add slices of avocado for a quick breakfast or healthy after-school snack.
    • Ever wonder how to pick a ripe avocado? The color should be a dark, almost black color and it should yield to gentle firm pressure in your palm.
  • Dessert quesadillas. Take a whole-wheat tortilla, spread peanut butter on it, and then add slices of banana. Mix it up by using other fruits like apples or strawberries and by trying almond or cashew butter!

For more healthy snacks ideas visit: www.eatright.org